Thursday, October 20, 2011

l'Arrivée d'Autonme

Voila another post dedicated to the Washington National Cathedral. In my post, "Cathedral Clouds", I had photographed the cathedral from its north side. On its south side, there is a sports field that belongs to a private school. I have been wanting to capture the afternoon sun shinning on the field and the National Cathedral so I decided to head over to the cathedral on a sunny Sunday October afternoon. As luck had it, the leaves on the trees had already begin to change color. I wouldn't have been able to perhaps capture such colors from the last time I was at there in September. In addition, since the last time I was at the cathedral, in this photo you can see the further development in the restoration efforts of the rear tower that had suffered damage during the earthquake in August. There is now a platform surrounding the upper portion of the tower.

Using my 50mm to capture this shot, I had to put the lens in between one of the gaps of the chain link fence separating the field from where I was standing. There was a young boy and girl playing with a football in the field. The boy was situated on the other side of the net just outside the frame. The girl was running towards the football which is on the grass just outside of the frame. I took a couple of shots with both the boy and the girl playing with the football. I thought that this shot with the girl by herself was the most interesting to post though.

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