Friday, September 23, 2011

A Rainy Fall Day

Well today is the first day of fall and its raining in DC. Most of the trees of my neighborhood still have yet to show their fall colors. There is one tree that has though and is probably the first in my neighborhood to do so. The fall color metamorphosis of the tree started around the end of august at the top of tree. Most of the leaves on the tree have changed color now and some are starting to fall off. I passed the tree today on my way to Starbucks (I am looking for work) and saw this leaf on the ground. I usually bring my camera with me (with my 50mm af-d f/1.8 because its light and compact) when I go out just in case I see something that I would like to photograph. So I shot this leaf as today is the first day of fall and it's raining!

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