Sunday, January 22, 2012

The First (Real) Day of Winter

The month of December really didn't seem that cold in DC for 2011. In fact on New Years Day, it had reached a high of 60F (16C approx). Just a few days after New Years Day, on January 4,  I woke up at a quarter to six. Looking at the weather conditions on my computer, I saw that it was a mere 17 degrees (approx -8C) outside on my computer. That seemed like quite a drop in temperature from Sunday. I decided to head downtown to take some early morning photos wearing two pairs of jeans and a few sweaters, a thermal, a fleece and a jacket. I found myself at the reflecting pool in front of the Capitol building at around 6:30. When I got there, the sky was clear. However, as the sun rose, the clouds arrived.

Although it wasn't too breezy, it was bitter cold. The few droplets of water, which had landed on my camera bag during a pit stop at Starbucks had frozen. Yes, the winter tempertures had finally arrived!  Here are just a few early morning shots of the Capitol that I captured from that day. While I was there shooting, a little web footed friend came to join me.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

American Muscle, British Petrol

During the second half of 2011, a BP gas station in my area on Connecticut Avenue had a 60s Ford Mustang parked on display. It was parked on the grass next to the station for at least a few months. Last November, I passed by this station on way back to my apartment after having taken a few photos of the fall trees near my neighborhood. I decided to take a few photos of the Mustang. I took this shot with my 50mm f/1.8 af-d at f2. A few weeks later, the car was gone.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

La Grande Capitale

Last October while at the Mall to watch the sun as it set over the Potomac river, I took this photo of the Arlington Memorial Bridge. While there, I couldn't help but to think about my years spent in France. I suppose this photo could remind one of some grande city, not just in France but elsewhere in Europe.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Zoo Lights '11

For my first posting of '12, I have posted photos from the Zoo Lights exhibition. This exhibtion takes place at the National Zoo each year during the holidays. I actually went twice. The second time I went, it had rained earlier that day.