Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Politics in America on Film

50mm - Kodak bw400cn

24mm: FujiFilm Super HQ 200

Avec ce poste, il s'agit pas de parler de la politique americaine. Non, there are other blogs for that. I just want share some photos of a political rally that I went to last October. What interests me in these events is the historical aspect and I just simply wanted to photograph people.

I also wanted to finish up a roll of film that I already had in my old Nikon FE. I rarely shot with film, but I had a couple of unused rolls that I wanted to use up. Shooting with the Nikon FE is a joy with its straightforward design. I usually shoot in aperture priority mode so I can concentrate on focusing on my subject. It is has a fairly large viewfinder, larger than my Nikon D50 which makes it a pleasure to shot with. I have been shooting digital since 1999 and don't have a lot of experience shooting film. I would like to develop my own film un de ces quatre though.

There is something about shooting with film that appeals me. There is no instant gratification with shooting film. I am left anxious to know what the results will be. Moreover, as I can't take hundreds of photos at a time, I have to be focused on what I want to shoot and be satisfied the moment I press on the shutter release button. I have to be conservative with my shooting habits. I am left wanting to enjoy each and every one of the 24 or 36 shots in a roll because I can't take hundreds of shots at a time like with an SD card.

The photos in this posting were taken with three different films. The black and white photos were taken with a roll kodak bw400cn that I already had loaded in the camera. I also used a roll of kodak max 400 speed film as well as a roll of expired Fuji 200 speed film. Both are consumer films.

I was generally satisfied with the colors of the kodak max film although I have not shot with more expensive colors films to be able to appreciate the difference. ISO 400 film tends to show more grain compared to shooting at ISO400 with my D50. On the other hand, the texture of film grain looks different compared to digital grain.

As far as the Fuji 200 speed film, given that the film was expired, the colors didn't come out all that great. I converted some to black and white. All three rolls were scanned during development. With my Nikon FE, I used my MF 50mm f/1.2 and 24mm f/2.0. Given the bright weather conditions along with using a faster speed film, I used smaller aperture ranging from 4.0 to 11 to shot.

24mm: FujiFilm Super HQ 200

24mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400
24mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400

24mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400

24mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400

24mm: FujiFilm Super HQ 200

50mm: Kodak bw400cn

50mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400

24mm: FujiFilm Super HQ 200

24mm: Kodak bw400cn

24mm: FujiFilm Super HQ 200

50mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400

50mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400

24mm: Kodak Ultra Max 400

50mm: Kodak bw400cn

24mm: FujiFilm Super HQ 200

Great Carnival Photos

J'aimerais entamer ces publications sur la Carnaval caribéenne de Paris avec ma photo préférée du shot.

35mm: 1/1250 @ f/2.8

Les petites princesses

50mm: 1/500 @ f/2.8

Pour ce poste sur la carnaval caribéenne de 2009, je voulais publier les photos des jeunes princesses que j'ai pris.

35mm: 1/2000 @ f/2.5

35mm: 1/800 @ f/2.8

35mm: 1/800 @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/200 @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/160 @ f/3.2

35mm: 1/800 @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/200 @ f/2.5

50mm: 1/800 @ f/2.8

35mm: 1/1600 @ f/3.2

35mm: 1/1250 @ f/3.2

The Columbian Delegation

50mm : 1/400 @ f/2.8

This post is dedicated to Columbian Delegation at the Carnival. I liked the colors of their costumes and their Labrador dog. They had even made a costume for their van! It sort of reminded me of the van out from that movie dumb and dumber.

All shots were taken at ISO200. I used my AF Nikkor 12-24mm f/4 DX for the wide shots.

50mm : 1/500 @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/640 @ f/3.2

35mm : 1/800 @ f/4

35mm : 1/640 @ f/4

35mm: 1/800 @ f/2.8

35mm : 1/500 @ f/4

50mm: 1/500 @ f/3.2 with flash

50mm: 1/1000 @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/500 @ f/2.8 with flash

19mm: 1/200 @ f/8

12mm: 1/400 @ f/8

12mm: 1/500 @ f/8

35mm: 1/1000 @ f/2.8

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


35mm: 1/400 @ f/2.8

For this entry, I would like share with you the photographs of people. I am particularly in the mood to share photos of princesses that I took during a Caribbean Carnival in Paris in the summer of 2009. Shooting people can be challenging in a normal setting because they can often sense when you are trying to take their picture and may not necessarily want one taken of them. It is events such as this one that provide such shy photographers with the opportunity to photograph people in an open setting.

It was sort of an overcast but a humid hot day in early July in Paris when I headed to "La Place de la Nation" located on the boarder of the 11th and 12th arrondissement in the city of light. Using mostly two of my principal primes, 50mm 1.8AF and the 35mm 2.0 AF, I followed the Carnival parade along Blvd Voltaire up to the metro stop Voltaire. That was a really fun day in the twilight of my years in Paris.

At an event like this where I was already quite close to the participants, my 35mm prime served as a good all around 'street lens'. It relatively fast speed (f/2.0) allowed me to isolate my subject. The lens however tends to be too soft wide open at f/2.0 so for most shots at I set the aperture value at f/2.5 and f/2.8. When I had a little more distance to work with from my subject, I shot with my 50mm (a moderate telephoto on my DX format camera). If otherwise noted, all shots were taken at ISO200.

35mm: 1/1250s @ f/2.8

35mm: 1/600 @ f/2.8

35mm: 1/1250s @ f/2.8

35mm: 1/1000s @ f/3.5

35mm: 1/1600 @ f/2.5

Queen of Department 94
50mm: 1/250s @ f/2.8

35mm: 1/1250s @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/500 @ f/2.8

35mm: 1/320s @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/400s @ f/2.5

50mm: 1/200 @ f/2.5

35mm: 1/800 @ f/2.8

50mm: 1/400 @ f/2.5

35mm: 1/1000 @ f/2.8